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Jenny & Andy Blog

The Personalities of Play

The Personalities of Play
As a mom with a preschooler, I am in awe of how much my daughter’s personality has evolved and surfaced. Everything she does is an expression of th...

Easter Activities for Kids

Easter Activities for Kids
As we head into the long weekend, here are some of our fun Easter-themed activities that might help you and your family burn off the extra energy g...

Developmental Milestones at 4 Years

Developmental Milestones at 4 Years
  This age may be a difficult age to handle. You may find that your four-year-old is now a big ball of energy with increased drive, bossiness, bel...

Learning To Take The Wins

Learning To Take The Wins
  Why is it easier to share the struggles rather than the easy wins? I was always taught that boasting about your successes is a faux-pas. Instead...

Developmental Milestones at 3 Years

Developmental Milestones at 3 Years
  Your child is now becoming more independent and responsive to other children. During this time, your child will mature in many areas, including ...

Will I survive a ‘threenager’?

Will I survive a ‘threenager’?
Over the last few weeks, we've been struggling with some classic unwanted behaviour from my 3-year-old daughter: tantrums that appear out of nowhe...

Developmental Milestones At 2 Years

Developmental Milestones At 2 Years
  During this time, your toddler’s physical growth and motor development is still slowing down, but you’ll see huge growth intellectually, sociall...

How to Encourage Your Young Toddler To Talk Using Communication Temptations

How to Encourage Your Young Toddler To Talk Using Communication Temptations
Is your little one starting to show signs of wanting to be more verbal with you? If your child is at a stage where they're imitating sounds or tryi...

The Never-Ending ‘Clean Up’ Cycle

The Never-Ending ‘Clean Up’ Cycle
If you're a parent, there’s no doubt that you've experienced (or are experiencing) the never-ending clean up cycle involved with raising kids, espe...

Developmental Milestones At 18 Months

Developmental Milestones At 18 Months
  You might have noticed that your toddler's growth has slowed down since the first year of life. That’s because toddlers grow at a much slower ra...

Developmental Milestones At 12 Months

Developmental Milestones At 12 Months
  Your baby has turned one, boy does time fly! Soon, she’ll be entering toddlerhood, crawling anywhere and everywhere and even starting to or tryi...

8 Ways Sensory Play Can Benefit Children With Autism

8 Ways Sensory Play Can Benefit Children With Autism
  April is Autism Awareness Month, a month to accept, understand, and celebrate neurodiversity and advocate for the rights of those diagnosed w...