Helpful Resources
It Takes A Village
It truly takes a village to raise a child, and there's no shame in that. We want to be there for you and your family, whether you're celebrating your child's milestones or needing a little extra support.
On this page, you'll find a growing list of helpful resources for:
(last updated: 08/11/2022)
Children’s Health & Development
Developmental milestones are important age-specific skills that most children can do at a certain age, and are used to help check how your child is developing in various developmental domains.
Developmental milestones offer important clues about your child's development, like if they are growing and developing as they should or if there's a delay in development, indicating that you should seek professional help.
Visit our blog for more info or download our comprehensive Developmental Milestones Checklist.
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, 7th Edition: Birth to Age 5
From the American Academy of Pediatrics, this book covers everything from preparing for childbirth to toilet training and from breastfeeding to nurturing your child’s self-esteem. There’s even something for grandparents, too. Written to cover care for infants through to children age five.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of infants and children.
Take lifesaving infant and child CPR Class with Bump + Baby Matters.
Bullying & Mental Health
CanChild: Bullying Risk in Children with Disabilities: A Review of the Literature
Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to being bullies by their peers. Campbell and Missiuna review the research literature and summarize current evidence about the risk of being bullied for children who have three common childhood disabilities present in Canadian classrooms: Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Specific Language Impairment (SLI), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Canadian Psychological Association: Fact Sheet: Bullying Among Children and Youth
This fact sheet covers what bullying is, different forms of bullying, bullying statistics, how professionals can help, and more. The Canadian Psychological Association’s mission is to advance research, knowledge, and the application of psychology in the service of society through advocacy, support and collaboration.
PREVNet: What Parents Need to Know
PREVNet offers information and practical strategies parents can use to help their children build healthy relationships and prevent violence. PREVNet is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub that partners with researchers and organizations focused on fostering healthy relationships among children and youth.
Red Cross: Bullying and Harassment Prevention Programs
The Canadian Red Cross’ Beyond the Hurt program offers various workshops and training for bullying prevention.
Mental Health Commission of Canada: Children and Youth
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) leads the development and dissemination of innovative programs and tools to support the mental health and wellness of Canadians. They work with various partners to advance the mental health of infants, children, youth, and emerging adults.
Skin Health
For babies with sensitive eczema prone skin, this resource provides support, education, and research on eczema.
Parents’ Health & Support
As parents, our number one priority is taking care of our family. But that important task can't be done properly until you've taken care of yourself first. Download this free guide to help you better prioritize yourself by balancing different areas of self-care and identifying activities that benefit your mental health.
This Canadian organization is dedicated to improving mothers’ health through education, research, and screening. If you’re thinking about becoming pregnant or are a new mother, visit the MotHERS program to keep up-to-date on the latest medical information and resources.
EI Maternity & Paternity Benefits
If you’re pregnant or a parent of a newborn or recently adopted child, you might be eligible for Employment Insurance maternity and parental benefits. Check out this Government of Canada page to see if you're eligible for EI maternity or parental benefits and how to apply.
This non-profit provides mother-to-mother/parent-to-parent peer support for pregnant women, new parents, and beyond. La Leche shares evidence-based information on breastfeeding and provides programs tailored to the needs of your community. Their extensive network covers a variety of programs in each province or territory.
Josiah & Co
Melissa Sulley of Josiah & Co is a Grief Coach, Educator, and Pregnancy Loss Doula. She offers one-on-one grief support with a focus on Pregnancy & Infant Loss, including but not limited to, miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, termination for medical reasons, and abortion.
Find community-based support for parents in your province or territory, brought to you by The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS). CPS is the national association of paediatricians, committed to working together to advance the health of children by nurturing excellence in health care, advocacy, education, research, and support of its membership.
EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free programs to parents/caregivers and their children from 0-6 years of age in Toronto and the GTA. The centres welcome families to participate in programs that help strengthen your adult-child relationships, provide parent education, and foster healthy child development.
Fun & Educational Activities
Check out the blog posts that are dedicated to various activities you can do with your child! We have a growing list of sensory activities, crafts, and local festivities.
Learn and practice Chinese numbers with our FREE activity sheets! This is a great way to introduce your child to Chinese numbers and encourage them to practice writing and reading them. These activities are suitable for children ages 3 years and up.
Busy toddler is an amazing resource for tons of fun and educational activities to engage your little one in learning, sensory play, and creativity. It was created by Susie, an early education advocate, former teacher, and mom of 3, whose mission is to bring hands-on learning back to childhood and support others in their parenting journey.
Resources/Online Media for Kids
Our Pick of Kids Films from the National Film Board of Canada
In our constant quest to find good kids' content, we discovered some great kids videos from the National Film Board of Canada (NFB). Our selections focus on common real-life issues and challenges and cover topics that teach kids about culture, family, perseverance, and more. The NFB has a huge collection of films, most of it free, that includes documentaries, animations, experimental films, fiction and interactive works.
Cantonese Resources for Children
Our native language is Cantonese, and as such, we felt it important for our own children to grow up learning Cantonese too. Here are some free Cantonese songs, stories, language tools for kids we'd like to share with you that we personally use with our kids.
GoNoodle is a great way for kids of all ages to get active and rock out to catchy tunes. They also have over 100 free videos on their YouTube channel. What's more, they're approved by the Toronto District School Board as a movement resource, so many kids may already be familiar with them! Check our their Flow And Steady series focused on tuning into your body, your surroundings, and focusing on mental health.
The Moth's mission is to promote the art and craft of storytelling and to honour and celebrate the diversity and commonality of human experience. Moth shows are renowned for the great range of human experience they showcase. Each show starts with a theme, and the storytellers explore it, often in unexpected ways. Since each story is true and every voice authentic, the shows dance between documentary and theatre, creating a unique, intimate, and often enlightening experience for the audience.
In an effort to contribute some at-home curriculum, The Moth is bringing back Storytelling School, a weekly storytelling activity! After watching the story video with your child, you can follow along with the provided activities and thematic prompts.
Coolmath4Kids helps make math learning fun through games that teach kids how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and use fractions. The site has lessons, quizzes, brain teasers and even printable flashcards to help students learn new math skills.
National Geographic has created a variety of age-appropriate resources for children. Their Learn at Home page encourages children to explore the outside world safely (when possible!). Also available are Explorer Classrooms, where scientists and researchers show their everyday life and introduce children to the world of science. Parents can also check out NatGeo@Home, a hub filled with learning resources including science experiments, quizzes and videos.
Head to YouTube for Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems, a program featuring 15 episodes of drawing inspirations. If you don’t know Willems, you may be familiar with his books featuring Elephant and Piggie or Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!